The Extraordinary Marriage

Cultivating Connection, Understanding, & Lasting LOVE For an Extraordinary Marriage!

The Extraordinary Marriage Podcast

Enjoy an Extraordinary Marriage

Discover the secrets of unlocking a brand new level of connection with your spouse.



 Gain access to...

a cutting-edge strategy that will help you

navigate differences

and create a strong foundation of love

and understanding.

We've all been there,

...feeling disconnected from our spouse, constantly arguing, and not enjoying each other's company. It's like we're speaking different languages and we can't find a way to bridge the gap.

Marriage is supposed to be a beautiful,

fulfilling partnership,

but sometimes it feels like

we're just going through the motions.


Short tempers,


and feeling disrespected

and unloved are

taking a toll on our happiness.


   FORBES Says....

  • Only 27% said divorce was mutual
  • Most Divorces happen between year 3 and 7 years
  • Just 4% of couples divorce after 10 years of marriage
  • Compatibility is the top reason for new couples to divorce in their 1st year (59% say)




What if...

You could understand...

WHAT'S causing conflict

and begin figuring out,

HOW you can meet in the middle?


 In 2004, while working with women

in another company,

I was certified in the human behavior styles

of how people



according to their top

emotions, motivations,

and personal communication style.



This program was eye opening. 

I began to understand behaviors that cause

havoc in marriages,

conflict with teenagers,

and that help people

move forward in their careers...

or hold them back.



As you'd expect,

we can only see our own point of view. 


When you learn WHY

your spouse thinks

the way they do, 


you'll be able to overcome

many of the hurtful emotions that divide you.


I have answers for you.


BUT... maybe we've just met

and you need to know more before you 

make a decision.  


I too, am a cautious person. 


Search and listen

to my FREE

Blogs & Podcast on marriage.


 Then consider my OnDemand course...

Teaching these human behavior styles

that bring light and life

to relationships.


It's called

Communication Secrets for Marriage

and it's a powerful program, 

 jam-packed with tools and strategies

that will help you navigate through

the rough patches

and bring back the love

and joy in your relationship. 



On "The Extraordinary Marriage"

Podcast you'll find...


  • Real people who've experienced their own ups and downs & stayed together
  • Ways you can move past the pain and confusion, and begin to heal your relationship
  • Many topics on building a stronger more connected relationship



Don't wait until it's too late to address these issues, 

take action now to restore that spark and keep the home fires burning brightly. 



Find the OnDemand Course Here ... 



Start unraveling...

the mysteries behind the friction.

It's time to uncover the hidden causes of conflict

and learn strategies

to nurture peace and joy

in your




Hi I'm Connie,

The  host of...

"The Extraordinary Marriage Podcast". 

Please listen to the personal message below and see if you relate,
then take advantage of the FREE Workshop below and Identify
the problem and began living with more peace and joy...
starting today.


Listen to Connie's personal message

     The quest for understanding is where every notable journey begins, and ours is no different.

We're peeling back the layers to confront the truth behind the challenges that are common in marriages - perhaps even yours.

The insights we're set to unveil have the potential to ignite a sea of change in how you view and nurture your most cherished bond.

Watch the workshop here

Say "I do" to a marriage that's always in bloom.

 Imagine how amazing it would feel embracing each other's differences rather than feeling at odds with them.  Listen to...

The Extraordinary Marriage Podcast Apple Spotify Amazon

Here's what people are saying.....


"I loved learning about all of the different personality's.  We still yell out our personality types when they really start to show!"



We use it everyday! 

I’ve learned to be direct and say what I’m thinking or feeling vs keeping it bottled up.



After more than four decades of marriage...

and a family full of kids, grandkids, laughter and tears - I know what it's like to struggle with the stress and frustration that can come along with loving people.

     Too often couples get caught up in the everyday worries, losing sight of their original love connection as they become bogged down by disagreements over money, children, or the inability to see anything except their own side of things.

Your life experiences and unique personalities will bring you together or drive a wedge between you, but they don't have to.  Sometimes a few small adjustments are all it takes to get back on track and reignite the enthusiasm for life and each other.

     Through education, study, and my own experience rooted in faith--which teaches me there is something good within all people - I help guide you back towards your partner, to rekindle that spark once shared between you!  Even one spouse, educated in the communication styles... will make a difference.

Whether you are engaged, married, or even still searching for answers after a divorce, you'll find proven strategies & methods here through private coaching & or my signature OnDemand program "Communication Secrets for an Extraordinary Marriage", where you'll breakthrough the barriers that are holding your marriage captive and rebuild what you once had.


The Relationship Transformer,

Connie Durham

Begin Here Free -

"A Recipe for a Happy Healthy Marriage".


Igniting New Energy & Hope

Tap into Connie's signature program, "Communication Secrets for Marriage", get private help, or book her for a live event.

The Program

Are you tired of the blame game, emotional outburst, and constant misunderstandings?  Begin the course today and find the answers you're looking for.

Private 1-on-1 Coaching

Why is private coaching a great option for handling marital challenges?  Weekly sessions help you find the root problem, as you learn your communication styles, unique challenges, and find effective solutions. 

Live Datenight

Is your church or small group looking to host an encouraging night for couples?  Unlock the secrets to a fulfilling & joyful marriage with a group date night.

"Communication Secrets for Marriage" or "Love, Laughter, & Life".


Listen to the Podcast  Here

Follow on  Spotify Apple, & Amazon 

"Dont wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect."

"There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions.  So what then?  With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful." 

- Mark Victor Hansen

The Extraordinary Marriage Vlog

"Change is Inevitable. Growth is Optional." Maxwell


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