The Extraordinary Marriage

EPS 2 - RV Travel & Work - Jackie Cote

Newlywed Jackie Cote shares the before and after of living together for years and then tying the knot as they travel and work in their RV.

 *Subscribe today and join us weekly on The Extraordinary Marriage podcast – restoring passion & purpose in relationships worldwide!


You'll find show notes and Jackie's free gifts @ 

Gift from Connie 


 Coach Jackie, is your Freedom Empowerment Mentor, International Speaker and RV Adventurist. She mentors ambitious professionals who no longer believe in the hustle and grind, but aren't quite sure how to get out of that without losing the success they've already built.

After working with Jackie, you start doing what you are meant to be doing instead of what you think you "should" be doing while still creating more time, money, and freedom.

She is living her freedom life full time in an RV with and my her husband and two fur babies while doing what she loves on her own terms while helping others create their freedom lives!


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