The Extraordinary Marriage

EPS 17 - Let's Get Real with Lani Jackson

Why spill the beans, you may ask? Well, if you want a marriage that's out of this world, it's crucial to open up and share your deepest desires with your partner. Trust me, it's like adding rocket fuel to your relationship!


You'll find Lani's 10-minute Marketing Strategy in the Show Notes EPS 17


Lani is a Business Strategist, mindset clarity coach, and founder of Empowered to Profit M.O.R.E. a program for mom entrepreneurs who are ready to design a life and business they love by empowering themselves to create a customer strategy that brings high profits in time, energy, fulfillment, and income. She is a mom to 6 kids, host of the Brilliant Mompreneurs Podcast, and community leader of the Brilliant Mompreneurs Society.


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