The Extraordinary Marriage

How to have happy family get-togethers

Hello!  Family time is bonding time but when you mix up the all the different personality styles, it can get sticky.  Often it's perspective that get us in trouble or..... assuming everyone things or wants things the same way we do.  If you find this helpful.... I'd love to hear your comments or kind suggestions.

See more ideas for marriage on my podcast. 

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What happens when Barbie & Ken are polar opposites?

Everybody's got a superpower but when you're super power is perfectionism it may not be so good for the other person.

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Tactics for different communication styles.

Find out how to treat people the way THEY want to be treated.  Assuming the Golden Rule doesn't work for everyone. 

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Finding your BEST Career!

Students often go to school for the wrong career! 

Sometimes it's something a parent wants them to do or they literally have dreamed of it for years only to find out that it is not their cup of tea.  Then, they are in the middle of it.

Career Insights is a behavior & communication assessment that enlightens you on the careers you'd be good at and would most likely enjoy.  (As long as you're working with good people of course.)  


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Your Top Talents & Places to Grow

What Talents do you bring to the table?  Build Confidence in your strong areas and learn where you can grow and do better in all your relationships.




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The NEEDS of each Personality Style

When it comes to your relationships at home or at work, knowing what people NEED from you to be their BEST, will will elevate the Energy Level & create momentum & Growth Potential.

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#1 Trait for each personality style

What drives a person is also their best value to the TEAM.

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Body Language can speak loudly

Ever notice that some people are so animated and others Not!

That's not .blog

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The C Style (DISC)

The C style is the Researcher.  Gathering all the information and details to make the Best decision for the TEAM.

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