The Extraordinary Marriage
I remember that last day of 9th grade at Buena Part High school in California. My dad's work, JC Penny's was moving us to Georgia. There were lots of tears, I missed the bus, and I thought I would die. My family spent 6 weeks in a motel room, before we found a home in Georgia, and I didn’t know a single person. We made the best of it, swimming as much as we could in the hotel pool.
The new school year soon came and still I knew not one person. It was scary, but as I got off the school bus, a girl with a funny accent began to enthusiastically chatter, “I’m new, are you new, my name’s Debbie”. Debbie was from Jersey, and her chatter gave me comfort, I had a new friend, and we met for lunch. Maybe I would make it in this new place.
At my old school I was involved in a Modern Dance Group of 50 girls. In Georgia, I joined the chorus, where I quickly became involved with a whole new set of friends and activities of which I quickly...
Thinking for yourself can be a new skill! We get so used to following the crowd or someone else telling us what we should do, that we relax the ole Brain and just count on others. This blog is taken from John Maxwell's Book. "Thinking for a Change" and focuses on being Realistic.
A confused mind does........Nothing! How can you learn to focus and get more done daily? You can do it if you will put in the effort.
Sometimes it's something a parent wants them to do or they literally have dreamed of it for years only to find out that it is not their cup of tea. Then, they are in the middle of it.
Career Insights is a behavior & communication assessment that enlightens you on the careers you'd be good at and would most likely enjoy. (As long as you're working with good people of course.)
Let's look at the ways you can create more possibilities, opportunities, Vision. It begins with exploring how you think.
Awareness is 90%. What Thought changes do you need to make. What will changing your thinking do you today and tomorrow?
"Everyone thinks of Changing the World.....but no one thinks of changing themselves" Leo Tolstoy
Do you think for yourself or follow the attitudes of others? What does thinking for yourself look like? What does changed thinking looks like.
Second week of thinking for a change ........ What kind of thinking do you have and what can you do about it? Ok......lead by a nose ring was a little weird.........takes about 15 seconds to get going.
The words that come from your mouth daily form your Attitude. Change your words, change your thoughts, change your future.
What must you move past to begin building your skills and building your ladder of success? To often we just plan on moving straight up, but success is build one rung at a time.
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